Super Mario RPG Bytes By Weasel Extra data found by Elric ************************************* 1. Starting Stats for Characters 2. Shops 3. Texts 4. Other Starting Data 5. Enemy Data ************************************* 1. Starting Stats for Characters Mario: $3A002C Peach: $3A0040 Bowser: $3A0054 Geno: $3A0068 Mallow: $3A007C Bytes are arranged like so: * Level, Current HP (2 bytes), Max HP (2 bytes), Speed, Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, Magic Defense, Experience value, Starting Weapon, Starting Armor, Starting Accessory, Use Magic?, Spell list * The Current and Max HP and Experience are two bytes. To set these to high values (example: 999) you must convert 999 to hex, 03E7 and switch the two values around: E703. Weird SNES stuff. * The three "FF"s are the starting weapon, armor, and accessory bytes. The FF means "empty". Any other value put in there will change the item. * If you set this byte to 01 for Mario, he can use his Jump "Magic" in Bowser's Keep at the very start of the game. Weapon/Armor/Accessory List: Special thanks to Elric for making this stuff here :) 00 - Weapon 01 - Armor 02 - Accessory 03 - Space 04 - Space 05 - Hammer 06 - Froggie Stick 07 - NokNok Shell 08 - Punch Glove 09 - Finger Shot 0A - Cymbals 0B - Chomp 0C - Masher 0D - Chomp Shell 0E - Super Hammer 0F - Hand Gun 10 - Whomp Glove 11 - Slap Glove 12 - Troopa Shell 13 - Parasol 14 - Hurly Gloves 15 - Double Punch 16 - Ribbit Stick 17 - Spiked Link 18 - Mega Glove 19 - War Fan 1A - Hand Cannon 1B - Sticky Glove 1C - Ultra Hammer 1D - Super Slap 1E - Drill Claw 1F - Star Gun 20 - Sonic Cymbal 21 - Lazy Shell 22 - Frying Pan 23 - Hammer 24 - Spare 25 - Shirt 26 - Pants 27 - Thick Shirt 28 - Thick Pants 29 - Mega Shirt 2A - Mega Pants 2B - Work Pants 2C - Mega Cape 2D - Happy Shirt 2E - Happy Pants 2F - Happy Cape 30 - Happy Shell 31 - Polka Dress 32 - Sailor Shirt 33 - Sailor Pants 34 - Sailor Cape 35 - NauticaDress 36 - Courage Shell 37 - Fuzzy Shirt 38 - Fuzzy Pants 39 - Fuzzy Cape 3A - Fuzzy Dress 3B - Fire Shirt 3C - Fire Pants 3D - Fire Cape 3E - Fire Shell 3F - Fire Dress 40 - Hero Shirt 41 - Prince Pants 42 - Fire Pants 43 - Heal Shell 44 - Royal Dress 45 - Super Suit 46 - Lazy Shell 47 - Spare 48 - Spare 49 - Spare 99 - Crystaline Spell List Byte 1 01 - Jump 02 - Fire Orb 03 - Jump, Fire Orb 04 - Super Jump 05 - Jump, Super Jump 06 - Fire Orb, Super Jump 07 - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump 08 - Super Flame 09 - Jump, Super Flame 0A - Fire Orb, Super Flame 0B - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Flame 0C - Super Jump, Super Flame 0D - Jump, Super Jump, Super Flame 0E - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame 0F - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame 10 - Ultra Jump 11 - Jump, Ultra Jump 12 - Fire Orb, Ultra Jump 13 - Jump, Fire Orb, Ultra Jump 14 - Super Jump, Ultra Jump 15 - Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Jump 16 - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Jump 17 - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Jump 18 - Super Flame, Ultra Jump 19 - Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1A - Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1B - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1C - Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1D - Jump, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1E - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 1F - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump 20 - Ultra Flame 21 - Jump, Ultra Flame 22 - Fire Orb, Ultra Flame 23 - Jump, Fire Orb, Ultra Flame 24 - Super Jump, Ultra Flame 25 - Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Flame 26 - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Flame 27 - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Flame 28 - Super Flame, Ultra Flame 29 - Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Flame 2A - Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 2B - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 2C - Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 2D - Jump, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 2E - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 2F - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Flame 30 - Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 31 - Jump, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 32 - Fire Orb, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 33 - Jump, Fire Orb, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 34 - Super Jump, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 35 - Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 36 - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 37 - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 38 - Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 39 - Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3A - Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3B - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3C - Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3D - Jump, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3E - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 3F - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Super Flame, Ultra Jump, Ultra Flame 40 - Therapy 41 - Jump, Therapy 42 - Fire Orb, Therapy 43 - Jump, Fire Orb, Therapy 44 - Super Jump, Therapy 45 - Jump, Super Jump, Therapy 46 - Fire Orb, Super Jump, Therapy 47 - Jump, Fire Orb, Super Jump, Therapy 48 - Super Flame, Therapy 49 - Jump, Super Flame, Therapy Byte 2 01 - Sleepy Time ************************************* 2. Shops ~Each shop has a one byte header that determines if the shop uses Frog Coins or Gold Coins as currency. It also determines what the price of the items will cost. Example: The Byte for Mushroom Kingdom Shop is 00. The first zero is the price. The Higher the value of the half-byte, the lower the cost of all the items will be. Default value for each store is 0. The second zero is currency accepted. 0 is Coins, 1 is Frog Coins. Any other value will result in weird changes. ~You can easily add or delete items sold in each store without making any drastic changes to the game. Up to 15 items can be sold in a store. Mushroom Kingdom: $3A44DF (006063666725264C54FFFFFFFFFFFF) The 00 is the header. The 60, 63, etc are the items. 60 is Mushroom, 63 is Honey Syrup, etc. The FFs are empty space. Changing these values makes other items appear in the store. Store list: Mushroom Kingdom $3A44DF Rose Town Item shop $3A44EF Rose Town armor shop $3A44FF Frog Disciple Shop $3A450F Moleville Shop $3A451F Marrymore Shop $3A452F Frog Coin Emporium $3A453F The Sea Item shop $3A454F Seaside Items (before yarid) $3A455F Juice Bar (no card) $3A456F Juice Bar (alto card) $3A457F Juice Bar (tenor card) $3A458F Juice Bar (soprano card) $3A459F Seaside Weapons $3A45AF Seaside Armor $3A45BF Seaside Accessory $3A45CF Seaside health foods $3A45DF Monstro Town shop $3A45EF Nimbus Land shop $3A45FF Hinopio's Shop $3A460F Baby Goomba shop $3A461F Nimbus Item/Weapon $3A462F Croco's Shop 1 $3A463F Croco's Shop 2 $3A464F Other shops not listed have not been found yet. Note: After Croco's Shop 2, there is more shop data, but those are empty shops. They can be used as new shops if the shop pointer table is found. NOTE about buying special items: Some items usually can't be in stores. For example, the Attack Scarf 51. Putting that in a store will cause it to sell for ?00 coins. This makes it "unbuyable" because you don't have enough coins. Setting the first nybble of the header byte to a higher number decreases the cost of all items in the store. Set high enough, you will be able to buy an Attack Scarf at an item store. ************************************* 3. Texts Here's just a short list of texts that are in the game. $2D5F0 Level up Text ( "name" reaches level "level", Max HP, Attack, etc.) $220000 Shop Names, Room Names $22012B Main text starts approx. here ************************************* 4. Other Starting Data Starting Gold Coins $3A00DB 00 00 The first 00 can be set to FF for 255 coins to start with. To max out coins (999), set the bytes to 03E7 Starting Flower Points $3A00DD 0A 0A The first 0A (10 in dec.) is current flower points. 63 is the max value this can be set to. The second byte (another 0A) is Maximum flower points, also 63 max. Starting Frog Coins $3A00DF 00 00 This works the very same as Gold Coins ************************************* 5. Enemy Data (found by Elric) Goomba EXP: $39163C & $39163D Coins: $39163E Item: $391640 & $391641 Sky Troopa EXP: $391636 & $391637 Coins: $391638 Item: $39163A & $39163B Spikey EXP: $391630 & $691631 Coins: $391632 Item: $391634 & $391635 Hammer Bro. EXP: $391A9E & $391A9F Coins: $391AA0 Item: $391AA2 & $391AA3